Could Not Get Vehicle Data
SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY g.id' at line 9
SELECT g.*, images.*, makes.make, models.model, CONCAT_WS(' ', g.made_year, makes.make, models.model) AS vehicle, count(mods.id) AS total_mods, ( SUM(mods.price) + SUM(mods.install_price) ) AS total_spent, user.username, user.user_avatar_type, user.user_allowavatar, user.user_avatar, user.user_id
FROM phpbb_garage AS g
LEFT JOIN phpbb_users AS user ON g.member_id = user.user_id
LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_makes AS makes ON g.make_id = makes.id
LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_models AS models ON g.model_id = models.id
LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_mods AS mods ON g.id = mods.garage_id
LEFT JOIN phpbb_garage_images AS images ON images.attach_id = g.image_id
WHERE g.id =
GROUP BY g.id Line : 3719 File : functions_garage.php |